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Factory & Industrial Automation Data

Factory & Industrial Automation Data

Price: ₹ 1500/- (INR)
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Product Description

DATAKARTINDIA- A leading name offering Industrial Data based on all major industries in India. We have come up this time with another stream of data specifically Factory& Industrial Automation Products, Machinery, Equipment and Parts (Pan India) Data. The database covers namely the information of Factory&Industrial Automation Machinery, Products, Equipment and Parts manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Dealers, Distributors, Traders and Suppliers from all across India.

This data comprise of data of 2,285 Companies, firms of all type; small, medium or large. For who are active in the same domain and looking for further enhancing the business by procuring Factory& Industrial Automation materials, services and any types of equipment, etc, there this data will be very effective for industry professionals.

DATAKARTINDIA is now a big name to count in this niche hence well-versed with all the sectors. And has maintained best reviewed and most promising market reputation by servicing into the variety of Business & Industrial Data. Since we are very much active in this industry for a quiet a long time now therefore we have produced many sources for collecting right data. And the rates of our data are very cost effective below 1000.

Insights of this Data:

  • Business / Industry Coverage: Factory Automation& Industrial
  • Number of Businesses: 2,285
  • Area of Coverage: All Over India
  • Category of data: Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Dealers, Distributors, Suppliers, Etc.
  • Types of Companies: Indian Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, Dealers, Distributors, Traders & Suppliers
  • Data Content: Company's Name, Address, Phone/Mobile Number, E-mail IDs, Website and Product Details
  • Products/Services Type: Industrial & Factory Automation Products, Machinery, Equipment& Parts (All India) Data
All Data is in Excel Formatfdfd

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  • Exhibitors Data3
  • School, College, Institutes Data3
  • Warehouse & Logistic Data3
  • Chemical Data1
  • Interior Data, Hardware, Sanitary & Construction1
  • Gifting, Decoration & Novelty data2
  • Bags Data1
  • Industrial, Machinery, Tools Data6
  • International Special Data4
  • Mobile Data2
  • Platinum Data20
  • City / State Wise Data8
  • Electrical, Electronics Data5
  • Pharma & Medical Data3
  • Useful Data21
  • Online Shopping Customer Data2
  • FMCG Distributors, Departmental & Retail Stores Data4
  • Tour & Travels Data1
  • Doctors & Clinics Data2
  • Flight Travel Passengers Data1
  • Pharma & Pharmaceutical distributors Data1
  • 90 Cr Data All India1
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  • Share Market Traders/ User/ D-Mat Acc Holders1
  • High Net worth Individual5
  • Students Data2
  • Just Dial Lead Extractor1
  • SME & Business owners1
  • Pincode Wise Data1
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  • MSME1